
Mathematical problems in a class of tumor growth models-冯雨 (北京大学北京国际数学研究中心)

题目:Mathematical problems in a class of tumor growth models

报告人:冯雨 (北京大学北京国际数学研究中心)


In this talk, I will first introduce a class of tumor growth models described by porous medium equations (PME), which possesses a physical parameter m that characterizes the constitutive relation between cell density and pressure. And, one can obtain a Hele-Shaw type free boundary model by taking the incompressible limit (sending m to infinity). We then consider the forward and inverse problems in these tumor growth models. In the forward problem, we study the tumor boundary instability (the generation of finger-like structure) induced by nutrient consumption and supply based on the Hele-Shaw type model. While, in the inverse problem, we establish a Bayesian inversion framework for the PME models that perform uniformly well with respect to the constitutive relation parameter m.


冯雨,本科毕业于上海交通大学,博士毕业于Wisconsin-Madison,现于北京大学北京国际数学研究中心(BICMR)做博士后。研究领域包括流体力学中的混合与耗散提升现象,生物数学中的肿瘤生长模型以及有关的反问题。已在J. Nonlinear Sci., J Differ Equ, ZAMP, Commun Math Sci等期刊发表一系列论文。


